Friday, July 17, 2009

Reflection: "Every Challenge an Opportunity--at a Cost"

Well, after two weeks on the job I am still smiling and having fun, though the territory seems still large, work huge, and challenges sometimes daunting. I have realized something though, in the midst of exploring some of "our issues." For every challenge there is an opportunity. Sometimes it's lurking a little beneath the surface. Sometimes, it's so glaring anyone could see it. Sometimes, it's only evident after I pray a prayer something like, "Lord, what in the world is the opportunity in this?" Or, "Dear God, what could be the wildest opportunity for You and Your kingdom in all of this?" Challenges become opportunities, though, in direct proportion to our willingness to pay the cost...

Some questions that would be helpful for us to consider in various situations throughout our district would include: 1. Am I willing to look at and evaluate how we do worship in our church? [Been to several services already. Fresh eyes always see at least a few things. Feel free to ask me what I see.] 2. Am I willing to look at and evaluate my leadership style? 3. Or heaven forbid, my preaching style? 4. When "The Conference" wants to take my pastor or not give me the perfect one, will I play continue to play victim?

Every now and then I turn on Robert Schuller just for the reminder to think positively about my situation, no matter what it might be, even when I realize it will cost much.

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