Tuesday, September 29, 2009

H1N1 Implications

I always hated cancelling church. Had a mentor that never believed in it. You should have seen the look in his eye when he told me I better never either. Been too scared ever since to even think about it...until I was on my way home one day (Christmas Eve actually) sliding down a huge hill backwards in the snow with my young family holding on for dear life as I "drove" home. Then I realized there are worse things, especially when people's safety is at stake.

For the first time in my life last week I realized we might face a church closing some Sunday, not because of snow or ice, but because of flu.

It is causing us all to rethink some things...

1. How do we handle the greeting time now? Do we stop altogether? Give people an out? Do we pass the Purell at the same time we pass the plates? Is there a litany we can incorporate that makes people feel just as welcome or even more so? Instead of a hug, we could pass the peace by saying, "God is glad you're here and so am I!" or whatever you like.

2. And then there's communion. Do I dare dip my bread after someone else just dipped their fingers too? Saw it done recently where it was really done well. The servers broke the bread off for me and handed it to me, right after they washed with Purell before they stood at their stations. They explained that as hard as I might try I can't "possess it" for myself, I couldn't. Grace is given.

Got any other ideas that you can share to help us all figure out what very well be our new normal?

1 comment:

  1. With World Communion Sunday on the way, one suggestion is to go to the old fashioned "small cup and pre-broken bread" style of communion. Until this "H1N1" thing has passed, intinction may just have to wait!

    Frank Kampel - Terre Haute Church

    ALSO ... With the blessing of anti-germ lotions available, and, everyone's knowledge of the possibility of H1N1, no one should balk if such is used by all at worship! Now, about masks ...
