Thursday, October 15, 2009

Church Visit, "Spirited Tradition," Yellow Springs UMC

I don’t have time for worship wars. Within our district we have both contemporary and traditional congregations that are thriving. Visited Yellow Springs last weekend which happen to be of the latter. One of the best traditional services was led by Rev. Charles Hill who has been one of our best leaders in his long and storied career. It was fun watching him in action: personable yet strong, on a mission. Had to follow him back to his office to get “miked-up” and talk through the service. I could hardly keep up. His pace was amazing. The worship service itself moved along as well. It was energetic. Prayer requests were shared but didn’t drag or get too personal. The music was thematic and singable. Liturgical elements were written fresh, not out of somebody else’s book, and engaging. Everything was well done, not just covered. A sense of community pervaded. I’d go there if I lived in town. Great job.

1 comment:

  1. Wondering about the Pastor's age. And also the attendance at the service. We have both a traditional and contemporary service but the traditional is really fading out.
