Thursday, January 14, 2010

Appointment Making, Part I

It’s that time of year. The Cabinet will be meeting in retreat to begin the major appointment making season, though appointments have been made all throughout the year in my short tenure here in Miami Valley. We have received 27 requests for changes in the Miami Valley District, either initiated by the church or pastor, but in most cases both. How does the process work? Well, as I have experienced thus far with much prayer and discernment, at all levels. Every person and church that I have encountered really does want God’s best. Every church and person really does want to make things better. The governing missional opportunity in every location will be considered. When a request for a move is received, I send the church and pastor a profile template, one specifically designed for each scenario, helping them discern and outline needs, wants, expectations, strengths, and God’s call, etc. Those are then collated for the entire Cabinet and inputted into a database. Then we spin the roulette wheel…just kidding! (Wanted to make sure you were paying attention). I will update you on the process as I learn it more fully my first go around too. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering if the roulette wheel got spun for us last year. It seems our profile was not matched well at all and we are in need of prayer.
